Thinking Of Selling Your Gear?
Consign With Us!
FROM THE MOMENT you bring your items into our shop until we write you your first check, we want the consignment process to be simple, and for you to feel that your gear is in good hands. Our goal is to help keep outdoor gear, clothing, and resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them while in use, and recover and regenerate products and materials when we can.
Be a part of this positive movement.
Environmental Stewardship & Guiding Principles
Why Buy Used?
WE BELIEVE that exploring and experiencing the outdoors should be untangled from the idea of having to buy and own something new. Instead, we believe our community deserves access to used gear, clothing, and resources that will enable them to spend time outdoors, and that this can be done while reducing our impact on the planet.
Our mission is to provide environmentally responsible buying options for outdoor gear and clothing. We support local individuals, businesses, and nonprofits who are stewards of the environment and advocates of outdoor exploration.

Circular Economy
WE AIM to provide simple ways to extend the life of high-quality gear, while also proving that being a part of the circular economy makes sense for people and for the planet. Instead of buying, using, and throwing things away, we are an alternative to the traditional cycle of consumption.
HIGH TOR GEAR EXCHANGE provides the Charlottesville community access to previously-owned outdoor gear and clothing at a lower price point, giving it a second life.